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Body Contouring

Image by Hanna Postova

Ultrasonic Cavitation is the latest innovation in fat removal technology that does not involve medical intervention or surgery. Ultrasonic cavitation RF technology is based on a medical breakthrough that uses bio-cavitational ultrasonic waves and radio frequency energy, to selectively break down fat cells and cellulite without affecting neighboring organs and cells. Immediately after the treatment, your body clears away the disrupted fat cells, mainly through the liver.

The most appropriate parts of the body for Ultrasound Cavitation are thighs, abdomen, hips, buttock, and upper arm, i.e. areas of localized fat deposits. It cannot be applied to the head, neck, chest, back or over bony areas. In these areas, we are only able to use Radio Frequency skin tightening.

How does it work?

An ultrasound device similar to that used in pregnancy scans is applied to the targeted area, along with a specially designed cream. This device transmits concentrated levels of ultrasonic energy that target and destroy subcutaneous fat cells in the fat cell membrane. The fat is then dispersed into surrounding cells and recycled into proteins and glycerol.












What are the benefits of fat cavitation treatment?

Unlike liposuction (which can be a daunting and extreme option for many), cavitation is the perfect fat reduction treatment for those that do not want to take any excessive measures. 

It is safe, non-surgical, and requires no recovery time. 

It's also one of the only technologies available that can show you results as effective as those you expect from liposuction or surgery, provided you complete the recommended number of sessions (usually between 8-12). 

What parts of the body can be treated?

The midsection (stomach area), upper arms, thighs, hips, buttocks, and chin can all be targeted with the low-frequency ultrasound waves used during ultrasonic cavitation. It is important to note, however, that ultrasonic cavitation is not a weight loss treatment. It is, instead, a device that uses radio frequency and ultrasound waves that disrupt fat cells that are then naturally eliminated through the urinary tract and lymphatic system.  

What can I expect from my ultrasonic cavitation treatment?

For the best results, we recommend patients getting between 10 and 12 treatments with each treatment lasting one hour. You can expect to see results after your 5th treatment. Prior to each treatment it is highly advised to drink at least 3 pints (1.5L) of water, as well as immediately after your treatment, to help expel the fat cells that have been turned into liquid via the treatment. It is also advised that, as soon after your treatment as possible, that you partake in high-cardio exercise to continue the natural expulsion of fat cells through the body’s own filtration systems. 

Recommendations for Successful Results

  • Drink a minimum of 1.5L of water daily, especially the day before and on the treatment day

  • Bring a bottle of water with you to your treatment and continue to drink so that by the end of the treatment you can immediately expel the liquified fat cells created from the treatment

  • Keep a balanced diet

  • After the treatment, exercise with at least a 30 minute brisk walk. High cardio exercises are recommended for the best results

  • Exercise or increase activity as much as possible before and after each treatment

  • Consider avoiding alcohol and caffeine, seafood, and spicy foods as they compete with your liver

After Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment note

  • Drink lots of water! This continues to assist in the body’s expulsion of fat cells

  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as they help to metabolize fat. Abstain from spicy food and seafood for a few days as they compete with your liver

  • Eat foods high in iron, such as red meat

  • Avoid high humidity and high temperature

Is the procedure painful?

No, the treatment is painless. A slight tingling or warm sensation may sometimes be felt, but it is not uncomfortable.

How long is a treatment session?

It may vary depending on the area being treated but a typical session will last between 30 to 60 minutes. This includes the preparation, treatment and post treatment procedures.

Does it work on Cellulite?

Yes, low frequency ultrasound (40kHz) works stunning on cellulite by focusing the cavitation effect on the superficial fat tissue. The best results are obtained when the ultrasound is applied in conjunction with the radio frequency (RF) treatment, which helps to tighten and tone the skin.

What instant result can I expect?

Ultrasonic cavitation treatment will often have immediate results, which you can feel, touch and see. Some clients can experience between 1/4 to 3 inches of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after subsequent visits. More significant results will be noticed after the third treatment. 

Each treatment will be 60 minutes and will include cavitation

(high frequency ultrasound to empty fat cells, vacuum radio

frequency to move them into the lymphatic system for emptying,

skin tightening with radiofrequency, and cellulite treatment to

smooth areas. Treatment packages will be for one area of the

body. Example areas include:

  • Abdomen/flanks

  • Thighs/hips/glutes

  • Arms/bra line

Pre-& Post Treatment Information

It is important to drink a minimum of 40 oz of water before your treatment. Liquid activates the lymphatic system and moisturizes the skin. Do not substitute carbonated beverages for water! The more you’re hydrated, the better results you will see. Do not eat fatty foods within a 24-hour period before or after your treatment. This allows your body to focus on the fat we are trying to remove instead of new fat introduced. While not necessary, you can maximize your results by exercising after the treatment. Sweat and high heart rate increase circulation allowing your body better to adjust with the newly released liquid from the fat cells.


        Body Cavitation Packages

    3 sessions..................... $300

    6 sessions .....................$500

    9 sessions..................... $700

   12 sessions.................... $950

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